Monday, April 30, 2012

The Sickies Have Got Me!

I apologize for not having a blog post the last couple weeks...

I am currently going into week # 2 (actually midway through it) of being sick. While I can edit, creating two sentences together that belong together is still a bit a problem.

So, instead of a blog post from me, I'm going to urge you to go over to Chila Woychik's blog and check out a couple of her recent posts. From today, How to Discuss a Controversial Topic in 7 Easy Steps, and from last week, Why Writing Mainstream or Crossover Books Pegs You as a Serious Writer.

I'm going to go enjoy my cough medicine and try to get some more editing done (the one productive thing I can actually think about). Hopefully, I'll be back next week when my lungs aren't going berserk for no apparent reason.

Until next time...


Unknown said...

Yuck. Two weeks of being sick is two weeks too many. Feel better soon!

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