The following are some useful blogs I've found over time from other blogs I follow. This is a repository for the best of the best (from my point of view). More will be added as time goes on, but if you have a post that you feel should make the cut, whether it's yours personally or someone else's, please contact me through the form on the right.
Finding an Agent
- 11 Questions for Crafting a Pitch
- A Peek Behind the Curtain
- Secret Strength of Killer Queries
- What to Do With Contradictory Query Advice
- Tell me the STORY (Rachelle Gardner on Query Letters)
- The Synopsis (from BookEnds, LLC)
- Novel Queries (from Writer's Digest)
- Why do submissions take so long? (by Terry Burns, agent with Hartline)
- When to re-query (by Rachelle Gardner)
- Internal VS External Conflict
- Getting to Know Your Characters by Jeannie Campbell (the Character Therapist): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,
General Writing Advice
- 10 Ways to Become a Better Writer
- Good Writing is NOT Subjective
- Word Count Info
- Making the Most of
- 10 Ways Writers Lose Blog Traffic (from Writer's Digest)
The following articles, while on writing, are more inspiring than on method:
- Follow Your Dreams, Mom (by Tricia Goyer)