Monday, November 14, 2011

Things I Didn't Know

Nine Things.

This month's topic for the blog chain is another that sort of has me stumped.

Being that it's Thanksgiving season, I'd hazard a guess that many are writing of what they're thankful for.

But, the only thing I can think of is to write about Nine Things I Didn't Know at this time last year.

This last year has been trying, to say the least. And, I've learned a lot.

1. A year ago, I thought something was wrong with me when my son wouldn't gain weight.

2. A year ago, I'd never have thought my second home for most of the next year would become a hospital.

3. A year ago, I'd never have thought I'd ever live in an apartment again (and thankfully, we don't again!)

4. A year ago, I didn't know what lengths we could go to in order to find out what was wrong with our son.

5. A year ago, I looked at holidays as something that happened normally. After spending three holidays in the hospital, I'm grateful for the family and friends who assisted us through the holidays last year.

6. A year ago, I'd never heard of Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome. While I'm still learning about it, I know a heck of a lot more than a couple doctors on our son's team!

7. A year ago, I didn't realize just how much time would have to be invested in keeping our son healthy. It's more than you think, but less than I think is possible.

8. A year ago, I knew I'd have a book deal by now. Yeah, that hasn't happened. I've had to put off submissions again and again. :(

9. A year ago, I really didn't know how many people would rush to our side during a crisis. Today, I know. And I'm grateful for all of our friends.

I kind of wonder what I'll be learning next year.

What have you learned this year? How has it helped you?

Until next time,



Linda Yezak said...

Little man looks so much better now. I pray that for your 2012 list, you'll have more positives and fewer references to illness and doctors!

Sheila Hollinghead said...

Liberty, I know it's been hard, but you've managed to navigate the year. Hopefully, this next year will not have as many difficult lessons. Bless you and your family.

Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

@Linda, me too!

@Sheila, I just hope I don't have to learn how to explain some other illness or procedure... or something of that nature! I know we'll be getting up-close-and-personal with bone marrow biopsies... hopefully nothing else!

Victor Travison said...

I know your med bills have to have skyrocketed during this past year, thanks to the problems X-man has been having. Mine did too this year. It's more than a little tough for unpaid hospital/clinic bills to hang over our head.

Life is all about learning new things we never knew before. When I started self-publishing in 2009, I never knew half the things I know now.

My stepson once commented, "I wish I was so smart, I wouldn't have to learn anymore."

I said, "Smart people never stop learning, even after they're out of school." He grimaced, but it's true.

~ VT

From Carols Quill said...

Dear Liberty--thank you for sharing your heart with us. God bless you and your son.

Jack Brown said...

Biiiig hug


Tracy Krauss said...

These types of crisis situations really put things into perspective, don't they?

Cindee Snider Re said...

Praying for you and your family, Liberty, for strength and peace and hope and joy as you continue on the journey.

E. G. Lewis said...

Life's all about learning. It's when we look back on the tough times that we're most thankful. Always glad to see a Facebook post saying your little guy is doing better.
Peace and Blessings

Christine L.Henderson said...

I know we grow spiritually in these times even though it is through tears. But what a blessing it is to have others support you in prayer and just have as a shoulder to lean on. May the next year bring showers of blessings and sunshine!

chris said...

praying for showers of gracedrops and puddles of blessings for you Liberty :)

CH Dyer said...

Thanks for sharing your situation and having faith to be grateful for yesterday's blessings and hope for tomorrow.

CH Dyer

Traci B said...

Wow, Liberty, what a list. I pray the year to come is full of discoveries of the wonderful kind for you and your family.

Sherrie Speidel said...

Every new year is a season full of hope and joy with a mixture of hard and trying times of distress.

What I learned this year is that the health of our grandson and children's great-grandmother(my mother)needs prayer. She can get very ill, weak and not contagious with her chronic conditions. She yearns to hold him and his sister.

God's grace is sufficient. He is with me when I awake and will still abide when I rest in Him one day. This is just a glimpse of what I've learned. This is my hope and peace in life.

Scott Fields said...

You've learned a lot more in those nine things than many people who might've listed twenty or thirty have learned. Often times it isn't the quantity of the lessons God wants us to learn; it's the size and significance of each one that's important. I'm glad to see that, at the very least, you're wide open to expanding your perspective.

Great list, Liberty.

lynnmosher said...

Liberty, learning to lean on the Lord is God's will, and, unfortunately, it is usually accomplished through trying circumstances. I'm sure you have leaned harder this year than ever before. I pray next year will be filled with positive surprises and blessings for you and your family.

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