I realized last week on Monday mid-day that I didn't do a post. And, for the life of me, I couldn't figure out what to talk about.
So, I stared at my computer, decided to ignore it, then for the next couple of days, felt guilty about it...
So here I am, not really sure what to write about still. I hate days like this.
The problem is, I have a lot to say. My opinions are wide and varied.
But, sometimes, I feel that since I'm a writer from home, and a stay-at-home mom to boot, I don't have much to say.
And, that's where I'm at now.
Four words: Joss. Whedon. Is. Brilliant.
I don't know for sure if I'd ever seen anything by Mr. Whedon prior to being coerced into seeing "Firefly" and "Serenity" last year. But, I think I'm a fan now. Between the misfits on "Serenity" and all my favorite super heroes (especially Tony Stark), I honestly can say I love his work. Yeah, I probably need to go see some of his other stuff. That'll come. I'll get obsessive before too much longer, and cherry-pick from his listing on IMDB.com what to borrow from the library near me.
In the meantime, if anyone has any suggested viewing selections of Whedon's previous work, post them here. ;)
And, Oh! Did you see the "Castle" finale? I'll be rewatching that one again over the summer... probably several times (along with the two prior to it, especially the one with Adam Baldwin.) I was thinking this morning as I got up how much a young Nathan Fillion (from Firefly era) would've made a great choice to play the role of Rick in my novel "Homebody". Now, he'd actually probably be a good choice for Mark from my project "Beyond Dead"... at least then, he'd actually be able to play a real cop!
Until next time,